Upcoming Course Offerings
Source Selection Training
Mon – Fri: 9am-5pm
This training course primarily focuses on Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) Part 15, source selection procedures, and contract types. Using case studies students cover an entire performance based acquisition from planning to close out. The course uses a source selection guide to take students through source selection procedures and the solicitation process. instructors use lectures, class discussions, and class exercises to walk students through planning the solicitation process, the development of sources selection documents, scoring proposals, and making recommendations for the competitive range and for contract award.
Basic Simplified Acquisition Training
Mon – Fri: 9am-5pm
This entry-level course provides participants with a working knowledge of purchase cards and other procedures for acquiring supplies and services under the micro- purchase threshold; of simplified acquisition procedures for acquiring none-commercial supplies and services up to $100,000; and the procedures and policies of both FAR Parts 12 and 13 when acquiring commercial supplies and services up to $5,000,000.
Performance-Based Service Acquisitions Training
Mon – Fri: 9am-5pm
This training focuses on planning for and administering a performance-based acquisition (PBA). Our instructors use lectures, discussions, class exercises and case studies to cover the entire performance-based acquisition process from planning to close-out. The training covers PBA issues related to service contracts, evaluation factors, benchmarking and appropriate metrics, monitoring contractor performance, source selection best practices, the roles of different contract types, personal and non- personal services, the quality assurance surveillance plans (QASP), the performance work statement (PWS), the statement of objectives (SOO), achieving best value, and the use of incentives. Students are taught how to effectively manage performance- based acquisition, and how to address common PBA issues.
Market Research
This course takes students through the process of collecting data for a particular acquisition from the need being identified to the close out of a contract. Students are shown importance of reaching the journals and papers of trade organizations; past acquisitions of a similar nature and looking closely at the past perform of contractors who have done similar work in the past.
CON 360 Contracting for Decision Makers
This course is a DAU certified equivalency course recommended for Level II contracting personnel requiring Level III certification. Utilizing realistic classroom exercises, students works as teams to develop sound business decisions and innovative solutions for the resolution of complex acquisition scenarios in the roles of expert business advisers.